Welcome to the quiz that’s about to uncover what your answers say about your education level! We’ve crafted a series of fun, thought-provoking questions that are guaranteed to make you think, laugh, and maybe even learn a thing or two along the way.
From quirky prompts to brainy challenges, every answer you give will help us determine where you land on the education spectrum. Are you ready to let us take a guess?
10 Fun Education Facts to Amaze You! 

The Oldest University: The University of Al-Qarawiyyin in Morocco was founded in 859 AD and is the world’s oldest still-operating university.
Global Literacy: Finland boasts a stunning 99% literacy rate, making it one of the most literate countries worldwide.
Bookworms Rejoice: The world’s largest library is the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., with over 170 million items!
Graduation Gowns: Academic regalia, like caps and gowns, dates back to the 12th century when scholars wore them to stay warm in unheated buildings.
Weird Mascots: UC Santa Cruz’s mascot is the Banana Slug, chosen to represent student unity and non-violence.
Teacher Day: World Teachers’ Day is celebrated every year on October 5 to honor educators worldwide.
Yellow School Buses: The iconic yellow school bus color was chosen in 1939 because it’s highly visible in dim light.
Fear of Speaking: Glossophobia, the fear of public speaking, is more common than the fear of death among students!
Early Start: Ancient Egypt introduced education as early as 3000 BC, teaching math, reading, and writing.
Creativity Wins: Schools with more art programs have students who perform 15% better in reading and math on average.